Kent County Council's planning committee APPROVES Oaken Wood quarry plan

You may find it shocking, but Kent County Council's planning committee has APPROVED the plans to tear down and quarry Oaken Wood - an ancient woodland...

The Save Oaken Wood Action Group urge you to write to the Secretary of State and Helen Grant [link for Facebook users] - please do so.

If you're interested, here are a number of new articles on this around the web...

BBC: Oaken Wood quarry plan approved by Kent councillors

BBC: Woodland Trust legal threat over Oaken Wood quarry plan Woodland Trust fighting KCC over Oaken Wood development plans

Kent Messenger: Oaken Wood quarry plan to be reviewed KCC allows Gallagher Aggregates to dig for more ragstone in ancient woodlands of Oaken Wood in Barming

The Independent: Quarry plan danger for ancient woodland

The Woodland Trust: Save Oaken Wood Campaign

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