IMPORTANT: Uncertainty over closing date for Oaken Wood objections

I spoke to a contact at KCC Planning Applications today regarding Oaken Wood.

He informs me that the 3 September is the official closing date for objections to Gallagher's Application.

Although KCC are happy to receive submissions later than this, they cannot guarantee that they will be considered.

The Woodland Trust will be in touch with Kent Planning Applications to try to find out which date is correct as they had been told the date had been extended to 27 September.

[UPDATE: The Woodland Trust have spoken to KCC who have updated them to say 16 September 2022 is the revised date - hopefully we'll have some clarity on which date is correct soon]

In either case, please take action now to ensure you meet the earliest possible deadline.

Thank you.

1 comment (Add your own)

1. Anita Pyman wrote:
There was an E mail sent to Fay Gooch, from the person doing Angela Watts job because she is on holiday, Staing that it had been extended to 27th September

August 27, 2022 @ 7:17 AM

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